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ROV part 2

The last few weeks Yuki and I have been working on several things related to our ROV. We had an idea to use my raspberry pi to control the ROV using Bluetooth, this failed horribly because the controller would not connect properly to the Raspberry Pi. We eventually abandoned the idea and made an H Bridge controller. I used and H bridge controller last year to control my sumo bot. An H Bridge is a simple circuit that turns motors when you connect the copper to the screws on the other sides. An H Bridge looks like this. H Bridge without the positive and negative wires attached  We also worked on making our ROV neutrally buoyant this means the craft says just under the water not going up or down at all.  Yuki and I already had a solution to this, we simply filled our entire submersible with water then zip-tied a water bottle to the top allowing us to easily change how buoyant our ROV is by adding or letting out water, changing the weight of the craft. Our ROV being neutrally buo

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