Week 1 Arcade Stick

For my ids I have chosen to make an arcade stick. I am trying to take a different approach to the button layout expanding on the standard 8 button design that has been used for years.

I have added an extra four buttons (identified as the top left, down, right and up)   allowing movement inputs on both the left and right hand making certain actions with tight timing windows vastly easier to perform. There are probably many other applications I have yet to think of. This button layout could very easily give the user an unfair advantage because some timing windows can be as small as 1/60th of a second, timing an action on the analog stick to that level of precision is significantly more difficult than pressing two buttons at the same time. Personally, I think that this button layout might give an unfair advantage but if its just on person using it I don't think it will be a problem.

Next I am going to make a design to put on the face of the box, then order the parts required and begin assembly.


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