Pringles Enigma

We made a enigma out of a Pringles can and paper.  The original enigma machine was built by the germans in ww2 and was used to encode messages using small drums, barrels and a typewriter. Our enigma was only made out of paper and a can so we had to decode the message on our own by turning the rotors manually to decode the messages. This was quite difficult because if you make one mistake the entire code will messed up and you will need to restart. The code in numerical and if you make one mistake you will make gibberish.  Another challenge was if your encoder makes a mistake the code will be impossible to decode. Lastly if the paper on the pringles can gets out of line you will no longer have a coherent code. You can see from the photo below a bunch of colored lines they are used to align the letters to make the code.

this is a enigma is simmilar to ours but came from


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