field trip UBC

Today we went on a Field trip to UBC. In the morning we went to TRIUMF particle accelerator that was turned off for the day but was still very interesting nonetheless. TRIUMF is a massive particle accelerator, a particle accelerator is a machine that spins a particle really fast then collides it with something else making an isotope. The accelerator uses a lot of beam lines, beam lines are used to send particles around the facility in a very quick manner.  You can read more about TRIUMF here. In the afternoon we went to the other side of UBC in the Engineering area and got to see some of the workshops. On the same tour we were able to see some student design teams like UBC Sail Bot and UBC Baja. The Sail Bot is a fully autonomous robot that had goal of sailing all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, the boat was unfortunately lost at sea a few months into its voyage but was found recently off the coast of Florida. The UBC Baja team is very different form the Sail Bot team. Baja makes a car, a very specific type of car, this buggy needs to have a certain engine and be as light as possible. The car usually resembles a dune buggy. The car has not been lost recently but it did come top ten in last years Baja car competition.
Tree house in UBC

arrriving at TRUMF

model of TRIUMF part one 

model of TRIUMF part two

model of TRIUMF part three

TRIUMF beam lines

 more beam lines

there are lots of beam lines at TRIUMF

a project called Griffin(Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei ) in TRIUMF

Cement blocks to reduce radiation form accelerator. 

Wind tunnel at the UBC Mechanical Engineering building

The UBC Sail Bot craft
Arjun sitting in the UBC baja car


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