Update on the arcade stick

Over the past month and a half that we have been off school, I have worked considerably on my IDS, the Arcade stick. Before the break, I laser cut the entire box as well as adding a design to the top. This part of the process was pretty straight forward and I didn't really encounter to many problems. The second major thing I did was to glue the separate pieces of the box together, a challenge here was that I still wanted a removable top so I can contain and access the electronics later. But the rest needed to glued permanently. I overcame this by adding a wood lining beneath the top of the box that supports it's top side, so I could screw and fasten it down when I am finished assembling the electronics.

The box put together without the buttons and joy stick.

I have also started to figure out the electronics. In the photo below, I have screwed in the joy stick, but to complete the project I need a wire connector to properly attach the joy stick to the motherboard that will take all of the analog inputs of the buttons and joy stick and convert them into digital inputs that  the computer can read. When I receive that single part that I'm waiting for I am very close to finishing my project.
My arcade stick with the Joy Stick mounted


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