Final IDS Post

For my final blog post on my Arcade Stick IDS I will be going into detail about the final assembly of the electronics. The process is designed to be very simple and overall it was, although the cramped space of the box was a bit hard to work in. One oversight I made in my design phase was that I made the hole for the USB stick to small for the wire to fit through, this was an easy fix. I just drilled out a bigger hole but the downside of that is now the wire doesn't exactly fit in the box and wiggles around quite a bit.

Inside wiring of my arcade stick

          My design behind the joystick was to try to redesign the conventional joystick and eight button design that has been around since the 1980s so as I stated in previous blog posts I've added four extra buttons that act as extra direction inputs so you press a direction with both your left and right hand rather than your left hand be relegated to movement and your right hand to everything else.
In practice this works very well. After some adjusting I am able to pull off much harder techniques that I was unable to do on a conventional arcade stick. Overall I am very proud of my IDS and how it turned out, and look forward to using it.


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